This project has 8 distinct treatments (12 if you separate by corn and soybeans). In treatments 1, 2, 5, and 6, plots will alternate between corn and soybeans every other year. The crop growing in plots of those treatments is denoted in the data files by “1S”, “1C”, etc.

2021 Treatment table

Here’s a summary of the treatments in 2021:

System Application Timings and Souce of N Crop in 2021 Plot Tillage N Rate (lb/ac)
1 Spring UAN Soy

29, 10, 15

28, 3, 24
No-till 0

2 Spring Manure Soy

30, 1, 17

27, 11, 23
No-till 0

3.1 Fall Manure Continuous Corn 18, 4, 33 Strip-till 200
3.2 Fall Manure Continuous Corn +
Early Interseeded Cover
32, 6, 36 Strip-till 200
4.1 Fall Manure Continuous Corn +
5, 21, 26 Strip-till 200
4.2 Fall Manure Continuous Corn 60’’ rows +
Early Interseeded Cover
22, 13, 35 Strip-till 200
5 Fall Manure Soy + Cereal Rye

Corn + Cereal Rye
19, 9, 8

17, 12, 34
No-till 0

6 Fall Manure Soy

20, 2, 16

31, 14, 25
No-till 0


Here’s a view of how the plots are oriented:

Plot Layout

Each plot is 1 acre.

Photos of the Treatments in 2021

Treatment 3.2: 30 inch rows, interseeded cover crops

Planting         Near end of season

Treatment 4.1: Perennial Groundcover

Planting         Near end of season

Treatment 4.2: 60 inch rows, interseeded cover crops

Planting         Near end of season

Establishinging ground cover         Near end of season

Establishinging ground cover         Near end of season